The Photographer of The Commonplace Society of Berkeley College makes an important contribution to the society by documenting each meeting’s festivities. The photographer will take candid and formal shots of the evening’s presenters, members, and guests and will document the food, wine, flowers, and décor at each meeting.
Since the purpose of the Berkeley Commonplace Society is to serve as a supportive and festive venue for seniors to share their intellectual and artistic pursuits with their fellow college classmates, the Photographer should capture as many festive moments as possible by taking candid shots of members throughout the course of the evening.
In addition, the Photographer will be expected to take several more formal photographs at the beginning of the year and prior to each Society meeting. The Photographer will take a photograph of the Leadership Council with the Coordinator at the first and last meetings of the year.
After each meeting, the Photographer will upload photographs to the Commonplace Flickr account and post the album here on the Commonplace website.
As a member of the Commonplace Society Leadership Council, the Photographer needs to arrive 30 minutes prior to each event in order to take photographs before members arrive and to help set up the room for the evening.