The Advertising & Communications Coordinator of The Commonplace Society of Berkeley College plays a critical role in the organizational, administrative, and promotional success of the society. The Coordinator should be someone who is highly organized, able to multi-task, and willing to add an artistic flair to the invitations sent to the membership prior to each meeting.
The purpose of the Berkeley Commonplace Society is to serve as a supportive and festive venue for seniors to share their intellectual and artistic pursuits with their fellow college classmates. Toward that end, the Advertising and Communications Coordinator should have an ability to communicate in a clear, organized, and festive manner with the membership.
The Advertising and Communications Coordinator will send out invitations via the Commonplace Society MailChimp account prior to each meeting to the entire membership, including the Head and Associate Head of College, Dean, Dean’s Partner, their respective Administrative Assistants and the Berkeley Graduate Affiliates. The e-mail is signed by “The Commonplace Society Leadership Council.” Each invitation invites the membership, notes the names of the seniors presenting, and will be sent on the Thursday prior to each Tuesday meeting. The aesthetic of the invitation should reflect the season.
The purpose of the invitation is threefold: First, it allows members to RSVP virtually via the Commonplace Society website so that the coordinators know how many members and guests to expect. It also allows members to note who is attending and who the presenters for that evening will be. Finally, it allows the Catering Coordinators and Dessert Stewards to order the appropriate amount of food.
Twenty-four hours prior to each event, the Advertising and Communications Coordinator will send an e-mail to the rest of the coordinating committee with an official head count.
Members of The Commonplace Society sign The Commonplace Society Guest Book at the beginning of each evening. The Advertising and Communications Coordinator is the keeper of this book and will bring it to each meeting.
At the beginning of the year, the Coordinator of the Commonplace Society will gather information about each member including their major, the tentative title of their presentation, whether they will be working on a semester or year-long project, and whether they prefer to present in the fall or spring. Jackie will then give this information to the Advertising and Communications Coordinator so that they can organize the presenters for the year by allocating them a date and time slot during one of the nine evenings.
The Advertising and Communications Coordinator is also in charge of sending out a message reminding the presenters that they will be presenting the following week. In addition, the Coordinator will attach four important documents to that email: 1. Guidelines for the Presenter 2. Guidelines for Individual Presentations 3.The ABC’s of Oral Presentation and 4. Polishing a Rough Draft. The Commonplace Society Coordinator will e-mail the Word documents to The Advertising and Communications Coordinator in the fall.
The message should also solicit an abstract (no more than 2-3 paragraphs) of the presenter’s work. The Advertising and Communications Coordinator then needs to e-mail the abstract to the Commonplace Historian to be included in the historical record. Once the Historian has completed the notes, s/he will post them to the Commonplace website and Facebook page.
Finally, as a member of the Commonplace Society Leadership Council, the Advertising and Communications Coordinator will need to arrive 30 minutes prior to each event in order to assist with set-up.
Sample text for invitations:
You are cordially invited to attend the First Dinner of the 201x–1x Commonplace Society. The meeting will feature presentations by Berkeley College Seniors: [List names]. The theme will be [theme]. Dinner will be catered by [restaurant], with dessert provided by [bakery or restaurant], and a selection of wines will be chosen for your enjoyment by our Wine Stewards.
Ritzy casual attire requested.
Kindly RSVP by Tuesday, [Insert Date].
Thank you!
The Commonplace Society Leadership Council